Our Global Mixer Pairing is tailor-made for those seeking new perspectives, a global network, or meaningful connections within our community. Experience one-on-one networking via Zoom with diverse women in the chemical industry spanning over 300+ organizations. RSVP Here.
The format consists of an introduction with presentation of the theme & suggested discussion questions, 25 minutes of 1:1 networking with a woman in our global community on Zoom, rounded out with 15 minutes of a fireside chat relevant to the theme with special guests.
Theme for April 2025: “Spring Cleaning: Making Room in Your Life for What Matters Most”
Spring cleaning isn’t just about tidying up the space around you—it’s about refreshing your life. The theme for this event will focus on clearing out the unnecessary (whether it’s clutter, commitments, or mindsets) and making intentional space for priorities, personal growth.
You must RSVP to each individual Global Mixer Pairing to get the link!