Women In Chemicals hosts virtual events held several times a year, serving as a platform for students to gain insights into various career functions and professional paths within the chemical industry. Students engage with a panel of women from the WIC community as they share their career journeys and their advice with students exploring the next steps in their career.


Careers in Chemicals is designed for educational institutions or organizations engaging with students from lower secondary education through postsecondary education. This event aims to ignite inspiration among young women to pursue STEM careers by offering insights from accomplished women in the industry. We deliver a comprehensive overview of the chemical industry, showcasing diverse job functions and resources to support individuals in their pursuit of STEM careers.


A Careers in Chemical session is a one-hour virtual meeting featuring a panel of women from the chemical industry. The event will be skillfully moderated by a community member, guiding panelists through prepared questions before opening the floor to students for a Q&A session.

Interested in Hosting a Careers in Chemicals Event for Your Group?

Reach out to our Education Chair, Caroline, to book a Careers in Chemicals event for your group! Someone from our team will reach out with details of the event and be a resource in coordinating the event with your school or organization. 

Interested in having WIC host a Careers in Chemicals event for your school district or organization? Please contact


Career Exploration:

  • Participants can gather information about varying job functions as well as the skills, qualifications, and experiences required in various career paths.

  • Interact with professionals from multiple companies and establish valuable contacts for future career opportunities.

Educational Insight:

  • Learn from professionals through shared experiences, providing valuable insights into the realities of specific careers.

  • Learn about diverse educational Pathways along with educational requirements, certifications, and training programs is often provided.

Motivation and Inspiration:

  • Hearing success stories and personal journeys of professionals can inspire attendees, instill confidence and motivate individuals to set ambitious career objectives.

Career Planning:

  • Attendees can use the information and insights gained during the event to set realistic career goals, plan their professional development, and make informed decisions about their futures.

Help Topics/Frequently Asked Questions

  • Computer access or AV Equipment to login into Zoom and an on-site coordinator to partner with our staff and take questions for the Q&A.

  • Students can visit our Student Resource Page (coming soon). Students are also welcome to join the WIC email list for weekly updates of our other programming. Join In — Women in Chemicals

  • A WIC member will reach out to you to answer any questions you may have, provide a calendar invitation with a zoom link for the event, marketing collateral as well as schedule a “tech check” to ensure all equipment is in working order for the event.

  • Students will hear from members of the Women in Chemicals communities at various career stages, job functions and educational backgrounds. Our goal is to demonstrate the multitude of career paths and opportunities within STEM.

If you have any questions not listed in our FAQs, please contact our Education Chair at for assistance.