Katarzyna Jankowska

Talent & Diversity Manager - Europe Industries

Air Liquide

She joined us from Poland, where she was born and raised. Though her journey in Human Resources (HR) and her current role as Talent & Diversity Manager at Air Liquide might seem unconventional, it's a testament to her tenacity and adaptability. She initially graduated with a degree in economics and stumbled into HR shortly before completing her studies. Her early career path took her through various HR roles in six different companies across different industries. However, she encountered a turning point when she realized that she needed something more meaningful in her professional life, and that is when she found her passion for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I).

Katarzyna's career progression is a testament to her determination and commitment to self-discovery. Recognizing that HR processes are largely consistent across different companies and industries, she underwent a transformational journey of self-awareness and self-improvement. This included seeking guidance from her HR peers, researching, and investing in individual training sessions. Armed with newfound confidence and clarity, she embraced managerial roles, despite initial apprehensions, and sought opportunities to manage teams, even taking on interns for valuable team management experience.

Katarzyna emphasized the importance of mentorship, especially for young women in the industry. She believes it helps build trust and relationships, not only offering guidance but also helping mentors discover the potential of their mentees. She is deeply involved in mentoring a 10-year-old girl, which has not only benefited the young girl but has enriched Katarzyna's life as well. She encourages women to be curious, get to know themselves better, and not be afraid to give up on things or people that do not contribute positively. Her advice to confront and conquer fear by taking action, as well as her reminder that it's okay not to know everything, serves as valuable guidance for the Women in Chemical community. She also recommended that everyone should get out of your bubble, take your blinders off, and listen to what other work is out there to diversify your bubble. Katarzyna's journey of self-awareness, embracing opportunities, and breaking through fear is an inspiring story for women in the chemical industry and beyond.


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Jordan Riddle


Vanessa Sutherland