Dr. Kimberly Wise White

Vice President, Regulatory & Scientific Affairs

American Chemistry Council

Please meet this week's WOTW, Dr. Kimberly Wise White! Dr. White holds her Masters in Biology and her Doctorate in Environmental Toxicology, and as a part of her role at ACC, she has the opportunity to work with some of the leading scientists and key regulators engaged with the chemical industry. Throughout her education, Dr. White thought she would work in a research lab for her entire career, but during graduate school she accepted an internship working on science policy with the state department, which ultimately led to her career in environmental compliance and regulation. Dr. White sought out a career where she could make a larger impact in the industry and working at ACC allows her to engage with leaders in the business of chemistry focused on research, sustainability and innovation. She thoroughly enjoys the combination of R&D and policy, and in particular, sharing this information with the public. Dr. White does not come from a family of scientists, but her love for science started when she was eight years old when her parents gifted her a red microscope. From that day forward, Dr. White spent hours on end utilizing her microscope and exploring all things science related.

Dr. White is very passionate about her job and stated that she feels like she has never worked a day in her life. She finds excitement in learning something new every day while at work. She has a strong appreciation for how science and chemistry is in everything we do, even cooking, and she shared her perspective on how our bodies are some of the most efficient chemical factories on this planet. Dr. White has years of experience in communicating with various stakeholder groups, and believes that we should always ask questions first to understand each individual’s needs and goals.

Another strong passion of Dr. White's is her involvement in FOSSI (Future of STEM Scholars Initiative). ACC is one of FOSSI’s founding partners and Dr. White has played a large role in the program’s launch and implementation. FOSSI is a four-year program providing $40,000 in scholarships and professional development opportunities for students majoring in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). FOSSI is a nationwide effort, founded in 2020 to support students in STEM disciplines with a goal of bringing in talent and diversity to the chemical industry. In FOSSI's first two years, the program has raised funding for 550 scholarships at an investment approaching $30MM, helping to develop a new, more inclusive generation of STEM talent. Lastly, when asked about advice for our WIC community, Dr. White stated "there is a great big world out there, bigger than your back yard, so go out and explore it. Seek out opportunities for growth and get outside of your comfort zone to try something new." She sincerely hopes that everyone finds something they love doing so they will never work a day in their life.


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Kathleen Eatough