Stephanie Folkmire

Process Engineer


Stephanie Folkmire, a chemical processing engineer, shared her journey, from her upbringing to her current role and advocacy for women in STEM. Her inspiring journey highlights the importance of mentorship, proactive learning, and advocacy in advancing women in chemical engineering.

Background and Upbringing: Stephanie began her career with co-op rotations, eventually transitioning to a role in chemical processing engineering. Growing up, she spent time helping her father with cars, fostering a strong mechanical aptitude and a fearless approach to challenges. Her parents' emphasis on education and work ethic, especially her mother's experiences in a male-dominated field, significantly influenced her career path.

Educational Path: Initially intending to pursue public health or medicine, Stephanie pivoted to chemical engineering after a successful project engineering a cast for a broken leg and an inspiring internship. She advises young girls considering the field to build networks, work hard, and stay curious.

Career Development: Proactively seeking opportunities and always asking how she could help allowed Stephanie to accelerate her career. One of her most transformative experiences was working on a new plant startup, where she gained extensive industry knowledge and balanced this demanding role with planning her wedding. She emphasizes the importance of prioritization and open communication with partners about workload and sacrifices.

Advocacy for Women in STEM: A strong advocate for women in STEM, Stephanie engages in outreach, mentors students, and leads efforts to increase women's representation in manufacturing. She stresses the importance of early exposure to STEM for young girls and addressing high attrition rates among women in technical roles. Her work with the COO on a roadmap to boost women's presence in the industry is a testament to her dedication.

Stephanie's Advice: Stephanie reflects on the importance of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and empathy. She values male allies who have supported her growth and emphasizes the need for women in technical environments to seek mentorship and build connections. Her mantra is to stay true to oneself, continually reflect on personal impact, and strive to create more leaders">src="">

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Lori Ana Valentin


Dahlia Haynes