Weijun Shen

Category Manager Europe & AMEANZ, UPL

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This week, we had the pleasure of meeting Weijun Shen, Category Manager for Europe & AMEANZ for UPL. Weijun comes to our community with a diverse global background. Currently located in Belgium, Weijun is actually from the Southern part of China. Weijun speaks English, French, and Chinese. Her career journey thus far includes pricing, purchasing, planning, and sourcing, to name a few.

When asked about her experience as a female in the industry, she shared with us how she feels lucky. She explained to us that women in the industry today have a chance to speak up. As a mother, Weijun shared with us the realities of not having the perfect balance between work and ome life. What motivates her though is the example she knows she is setting for her daughter. She wants to show her daughter that women can get through anything.

“As a modern woman we can raise our kids and still have a career.”

We talked about the pace of change we experience today, and how beneficial it can be for us to be able to be proactive, adaptive, and flexible. Weijun wrapped up our interview highlighting the fact that we can always spend more than 8 hours a day working, but no matter who we are we should strive to be happy and feel as though we are achieving something.


This week’s episode is sponsored by:


Michele Kraus


Tara Jacola