Christie Luna

Key & Corporate Accounts Analyst


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Please join me in welcoming our WOTW, Christie Luna. Christie joined the chemicals industry after a significant career in Human Services. Today, Christie works as a Key and Corporate Accounts Analyst at Brenntag. Christie talked to us about how she successfully pivoted her career, specifically calling out her helpful mentors and colleagues that lifted her up from the very beginning. We talked about how Christie navigated the perception of male dominance upon entering the chemicals industry, in which she shared with us how for her, knowledge is power.

When asked about how we can be better allies to women in the industry, Christie talked to us about how important it is to share your knowledge with others, to teach each other in order to succeed. Christie had a tremendously positive outlook on her roles and responsibilities, something that we agreed we could all use during these enduring times. She talked about how she encourages not only herself but others to embrace differences, and how they can strengthen connections and efforts.

In closing, Christie shared with us an aspect of her morning routine, her “7am Journal.” In this journal, Christie works to set the tone of her day by acknowledging and writing down 7 things she is grateful for each day. Doing this helps her to leave no room for negativity each day. Listen to the full interview to hear more about these topics and many other terrific insights from Christie!


This week’s episode is sponsored by:


Tara Jacola


Vickie Madore