Deanna Stalker

Sales Manager


Please meet this week’s WOTW, Deanna Stalker. Deanna joins us today as sales manager for Wacker Chemical Corporation. Deanna shared with us her full circle career with Wacker, starting with them in a technical capacity right after college, working as a chemist with specialties in silica for 7 years. Deanna left Wacker to care full time for her 1st baby, with 2 more children shortly following. Deanna remained home full time for 12 years before she re-entered the workforce. When Deanna started to look to re-enter the workforce, it just so happened the very job she left 12 years ago was hiring. She re-entered into Wacker once more, and has since 2018 been working in sales on the side.

When asked about how Deanna has navigated the pandemic while not being able to see customers face to face, she shared with us her and Wacker’s creative ways to engage. She told us about how she has hosted virtual lunches and happy hours with her customers to stay connected. She also introduced us to the idea of a “screencast” in which she shares a short video via email to prospective customers to introduce herself at their convenience.

We spent a majority of our time talking about the importance of mental health and navigating difficult situations and environments with a positive mindset. Deanna shared with us how she likes to leave affirmations in written form around her spaces as reminders. She told about the importance of speaking thankfulness and gratitude to help reframe tough situations.

Aside from her success at Wacker, Deanna also has her Doctorate in Naturopathy. We learned many tips, tricks, and recommendations from Deanna on improving or setting ourselves up to be healthy to be able to further prosper at work and elsewhere. Deanna closed with a book recommendation to us on emotional intelligence and expressed how helpful self and social awareness can be.


This episode was sponsored by


Alyssa Sweigart


Candice Lecourt