Kerolen Santos

Business Development Manager - SE Asia


Please meet this week’s WOTW, Kerolen Santos. Kerolen joined our community all the way from India in the late hours of her evening just to tell us her story, thank you Kerolen! Having grown up and studied in Brazil, Kerolen, her husband and their 2 young boys moved to India just a few months ago for her husband's new job. Prior to the move, Kerolen had over a decade of work experience in the chemical industry working with companies such as Henkel, Dow, and now Soyventis as their Market Development Manager for SE Asia.

When asked about her transition to Soyventis during a time of much change for her and her family, she said she leaned on the support of her many friends and colleagues, one of which connected her with the opportunity she now has with Soyventis. Kerolen shared with us how her new position with Soyventis was just what she needed. She stood firm when discussing her requirements with them throughout the interview process, such as remote work to be there for her children, and Soyventis supported her.

Kerolen shared with us her learnings from her culturally diverse work and life experiences. She said that being open minded, adaptable, and leaning on emotional intelligence when embracing new environments tend to help her to be successful. When asked about her management of her many roles as employee, wife, mother, and more, Kerolen acknowledged the challenge that this brings. She again shared with us the importance of having support from others to succeed.

We closed our interview with Kerolen by discussing some of her advice to our community. She reminded us to be positive and optimistic. She also told us to create memories, another reminder that we are not here to just go through the routine of our day to day, we are to embrace it.


This episode was sponsored by


Jenna Ngian


Alyssa Sweigart