Mayra Souza

Head of Global Trade


This week's WOTW joined us all the way from Belgium! Please welcome Mayra Souza, Head of Global Trade at Solvay. Mayra holds a tremendously unique background. Born in the Brazilian countryside, Mayra was motivated and self-driven to relocate to the busy city of Rio De Janeiro for her undergrad, where she studied  International Relations and Trade. Mayra followed her dream and relocated once more to the UK to pursue her MBA. Shortly thereafter she began working in Belgium, mostly in customs and trade work, and now trade policy today. 

Mayra spoke of the bumpy road she has faced along her career in the industry, particularly due to her being a woman and a foreign resident of Belgium. Mayra has a tenacious and brave spirit, and is never one to let mistreatments stop her. In fact, she embraces her global background and thrives in diverse global environments. She does believe that the awareness of inclusion continues to grow in our industry and others as well. 

When asked more specifically about how she views the future of trade, Mayra spoke to some relevant examples including the US-China trade dispute. She expressed concern of countries acting more in pursuit of their own individual agendas, emphasizing the rising trend of protectionist measures. She talked about the benefits to trade, the need to revitalize the trade rules-based system as embodied by the World Trade Organization, and how we need to ensure we're supporting those that may be negatively impacted by trade. 

Mayra wrapped up by sharing with us her mantra, explaining to us that we never truly know what tomorrow will bring us but one thing holds true - as you sow so shall you reap. She stressed the importance of being kind and collaborative along our journeys. 


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Mariane Maximous