Mariane Maximous

Global Ethylene Sourcing Director


WIC is pleased to introduce to you this week's WOTW, Mariane Maximous. Mariane joins us from a new role (congratulations!) with Celanese, working as their Global Ethylene Sourcing Director. Prior to Celanese, Mariane carries with her a diverse background of roles within ExxonMobil and LyondellBasell. Mariane is a chemical engineer by trade. She shared with us her love for math and the sciences at an early age, inspired by the agricultural engineering background of her dad. 

Mariane talked to us about how different the chemicals industry is than what those outside of the industry think it might be. She emphasized how women bring a different perspective to the industry than our counterparts. When talking about the diversity of backgrounds in the industry, Mariane highlighted the "globalness" of this space, emphasizing the reach that chemicals have around the world and in our lives. 

When asked about navigating the volatility of the industry today, Mariane talked to us about how she plans out scenarios and potential outcomes in order to have an effective mental framework that is well prepared. She shared with us her inspiration and motivation, her mom. Mariane talked about how she sees agility, persistence, and determination in her mom and she carries that with her. 

In closing, Mariane left us with some terrific advice, most importantly be yourself; it reflects better on you when you are yourself. She concluded with a quote "Fear is what holds us back, rather than move us forward." 


This episode was sponsored by


Mayra Souza


Christi Farr