Rachel Luke

Candidate for Masters of Science in Cyber Physical Systems

University of Nottingham

Please welcome Rachel Luke as this week's WOTW! Rachel joined us from the UK for our interview, as she is currently a student pursuing her master’s degree in Cyber Physical Systems at the University of Nottingham. After completing her early education much before her peers in Qatar, she started University at age 16, pursuing a chemical engineering undergrad degree.

Rachel talked to us about her experiences often being not only the youngest in her courses, but also the only female. She also shared with us how the many people that told her not to leave Qatar and to not pursue her degrees were used as motivation to keep her pushing forward. 

We discussed the anxieties and fears that can come from big change such as relocating from Qatar to the UK at a young age, and how Rachel managed through this well due to her strong support network both back home but also due to her creating a network in her new home in the UK. When asked about what she looks for in future opportunities as a younger member of the chemicals industry, Rachel spoke to the importance of her employers investing in her just as much as she is investing her time and effort into them. She talked about how she values how her future employers may treat her as a person as being very important. 

Rachel is also one of WIC's earliest members. When asked about some of her biggest takeaways she's received from this community, she shared with us that if it weren't for WIC, she may not be pursuing her master’s degree right now. It was through her support network, and conversations with members of our community throughout her decision-making process that helped her to overcome the fear that may have been holding her back. 

When asked for closing comments, Rachel shared with us this; "Everything that I need I already have, and everything that I have is all that I need." Rachel uses this to remind herself that she has all that she needs to success and take on whatever comes her way.


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Jean Zappia


Sneha Thakur