Sneha Thakur

Global Director - Contract Manufacturing and Procurement Operations


 Introducing Sneha Thakur, Global Director of Contract manufacturing & Procurement Operations at Stepan Company, as this week's WOTW! Sneha grew up in India, where she studied chemistry in her undergrad at an all women college. What fascinated her about chemistry is the wide application that it boasts. Sneha wanted to combine her chemistry background with her interests in business development, pursuing a post grad degree in business through Kellogg's Executive MBA Program. Sneha has a multi-continental background of diverse working experiences today. She has worked in India, The Netherlands, and now currently is located in the Chicago area. Every step in her career journey has allowed for her to learn new skills or broaden her horizons. When asked about what she considers when taking on new roles, Sneha talked about how she seeks out global perspectives and experiences, a voice for women in leadership, diversity and inclusion, and actionability against the company mission and vision.

Sneha talked to us about the perception of women in the workplace across her global roles. Regardless of where she is working, she stated that people are always willing to help. As a new mother, Sneha talked about how maternity support is not as significant in the US as compared to the other countries that she has worked in. 

Amongst many other terrific things in this interview, Sneha talked about the importance of inclusive environments in the workplace, and how essential it is that engagement on this topic comes from the top down through the culture created by leadership. Sneha shared with us the importance of having a strong support group to balance the many roles she currently has as a mom, wife, student, coworker, family member, and more. Sneha closed with offering up a philosophy to our community around having low ego, and high impact through building a community and having empathy.


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