Saskia Phemba

Business Line General Manager


Please meet this week’s WOTW, Saskia Phemba. Saskia joined us for our interview all the way from Belgium. With a background in Language Sciences (English and Russian), Saskia's entry into the industry was not planned. She started working for an American explosion protection company, and instantly clicked with the hands on and direct way of American business. After 7 years with the company and a 3 year stint with a European company, she entered ISP (now Ashland) as an Operations Manager, thanks to a call that came from a peer in her network. Saskia now has 22 years with Ashland under her belt, with roles in operations and product management. Saskia is now the General Manager for the Intermediates Business Line at Ashland.

Saskia talked to us about her willingness to "jump" into new roles that she had no specific prior experience in. She told us that if someone is willing to give you an opportunity in a new role, they must also be confident in your capabilities and willing to support your success in that same role as well. Saskia is proof that you can do it all. She acknowledged that it is difficult but it is certainly possible. Raised in a small village as one of 3 people of color (her, her brother, and her dad), Saskia learned quickly how to be resilient, and learned from her parents that she will always have to outperform. Saskia is also a mother, she has a 26 year old son with disabilities. She spoke to us about how she is very open and direct with her management about her expectations of flexibility in her work environment, but she knows that if given the flexibility she requests that she will always pay that back in her hard work and results to her team.

Saskia wrapped up our interview sharing with us a quote she learned from a senior VP of hers; "be soft on the people, and tough on the message", emphasizing the importance of leading with respect and the right attitude.


This episode was sponsored by:


Carol and Michele Piccaro


Lindsey Marsh