Lindsey Marsh

Executive Director - Sulfur


Please meet this week’s WOTW, Lindsey Marsh. Lindsey fell into the industry by chance, going to University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire to become a nurse just as her mom was. After graduating, Lindsey worked for EMCO Chemical and worked as a quality manager and a lab lead before she joined Johnson Controls as a quality engineer. While at Johnson Controls, Lindsey pursued roles in operations and process improvement, travelling all over the country. Ultimately, a counselor at UW-Eau Claire was the one to introduce her to Hydrite. Lindsey joined Hydrite's strategic sourcing function and has since had approximately 8 different roles with the organization. Today, Lindsey is the Executive Director of Sulfur for Hydrite.

Not only is Lindsey a leader within Hydrite, she is also a mom to twin girls. She talked to us about how she managed through excelling in work, pursuing her MBA, and raising her daughters, emphasizing that she gets her energy from her interactions and connections with others. When asked about balancing her many roles, she thanked her husband for his support and also acknowledged that these are responsibilities that sometimes you just have to do, and if you feel like you might be failing, it's important to learn to be OK with that; tomorrow is a new day.

Lindsey is a high energy individual, and when asked about how she maintains her motivation to excel in her career, she attributed this to her parents. She said the hardest part is acknowledging that even though she might want to be the best at everything, she can't. But, she also said that knowing there's always room for improvement is what keeps her going. When asked for closing remarks, Lindsey told us how she prioritizes finding fun always with her "work hard, play hard" motto.


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