Andi Nagle


Chem/Serv Inc.

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Introducing this week’s WOTW, Andi Nagle. Andi has been an integral supporter of our WIC community since the beginning, even participating on our first ever Generation Female Discussion Pale. Andi joins us with a lifetime in the Chemicals Industry, joining her dad in the Chem/Serv Inc. office as early as 6 years old! Andi graduated with a degree in marketing, minoring in market research and joined the industry as a sales representative. Andi eventually joined the family business at a time in her life in which she was looking for flexibility to allow her to start her own family. She has worn and continues to wear many hats at Chem/Serv.

Having worked in the industry for 30+ years, Andi shared with us many of her experiences, highlighting how she is excited about the increasing number of women she is seeing and meeting at industry events. When asked if we are doing enough, Andi highlighted how communities such as WIC are essential, how networking is essential in the success, opportunity, inspiration, etc. we need to keep women in the industry.

When asked to share some advice, Andi told us to “manage your life; give time to yourself.” We talked about how important it is to give yourself the break(s) you deserve in order to be an effective contributor. In wrapped up the interview, as Andi began to roll up her sleeves, she shared with us that she was off to make her very own delivery to support one of her customers during a time of need!


This week’s episode is sponsored by:


Victoria Meyer


Lauren Conte