Victoria Meyer

President & Host

Progressio Global & The Chemical Show Podcast

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Please welcome this week’s WOTW, Victoria Meyer. You may recognize Victoria as host of The Chemical Show podcast, as WIC had the honor of participating in this podcast recently. Victoria is also the President of Progressio Global, a boutique consultancy centered around closing the gap between strategy & Execution for organizations. Victoria has 30+ years in the chemicals industry.

Victoria started her career journey in chemical engineering, representing many chemicals organizations, and wearing many hats. Eventually she left work to pursue her MBA full time. Upon graduating, Victoria returned to the chemicals industry, but she eventually took her life-long goal of starting her own company and made it a reality, founding Progressio Global in 2017.

We discussed the trends of the industry and how robust it is, while also recognizing though that the industry has tended to be reluctant to respond as quickly to necessary change such as digitization. Victoria talked about how she perceives that the industry holds itself to a higher standard today that it has in the past, mentioning that women do have more visibility and opportunity today. We discussed in detail the topic of mentorship versus sponsorship, defining mentors as those that work with you while sponsors may be working on your behalf.

There are so many terrific nuggets of information from this interview. When asked for closing insights and advice, Victoria left us with “own your own success”; it is not your business what anyone else thinks of you. It is your busines though how you create your own success in the face of judgements.


This week’s episode is sponsored by:


Gayle Mitalski


Andi Nagle