Brittany Hennings

Marketing Communications Manager

Sea- Land Chemical Company

Please welcome Brittany Hennings, Marketing Communications Manager at Sea-Land Chemical Company as this week's WOTW! Brittany shared with us how she entered the Chemicals Industry by "happy accident" as an intern at Sea-Land. Today, she is able to apply her marketing degree and minor in Biology while also pursuing other goals of mentorship and advocating for women in the industry by speaking at schools.

When asked about advocating for herself and other women in the industry, Brittany talked about how important the first promotion can be for career trajectory, how the first step along the ladder is the most important. In talking about what chemical companies are (or are not) doing to attract and retain women, Brittany highlighted the importance of understanding how the needs of female talent differ from males. We talked about how COVID has allowed for organizations to realize and introduce more flexibility in to the workplace.

We wrapped up with some discussion around industry trends, including digital marketing. Brittany emphasized the importance of embracing it but also recognized how dynamic and overwhelming it can be to take on. In closing, Brittany shared with us how people throughout history inspire her, including Marie Curie, the first person to win two Nobel prizes, while also winning those in two different fields. 


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