Caitlin Molloy

VP of Manufacturing


Caitlin is a remarkable individual with a diverse background and a successful career in the chemical engineering industry. Caitlin grew up in a small town in Texas, located 50 miles west of Houston. She pursued her education at the University of South Carolina, where she studied Chemical Engineering. After completing her degree, Caitlin embarked on her professional journey, joining ExxonMobil and working in offshore operations. Following her tenure at ExxonMobil, Caitlin transitioned to a role at Motiv, where she gained valuable experience in her field. Through her extensive professional network, Caitlin was then recruited by a startup called Solugen. At Solugen, she started as the third employee and witnessed the company's growth, which now boasts around 200 employees. Caitlin attributes her career progression to her involvement in high-profile and high-risk projects. She has managed several intense projects throughout her career, including one with a remarkably quick turnaround of just six months. From these experiences, Caitlin has learned valuable lessons in managing such demanding endeavors. Despite the high-stress nature of her projects, Caitlin has developed strategies to maintain her composure and keep her team calm. Her personality plays a role, as she is known for remaining level-headed and composed even in challenging situations.

Caitlin quotes "Fortune Favors the Bold" and acknowledges the disparity in mentality between men and women when it comes to job applications. Women often feel the need to meet 100% of the qualifications, while men are more likely to apply if they meet only 60%. Caitlin admits she has fallen into this mindset herself but has made a conscious effort to challenge it. She encourages women to be bolder and more confident in their abilities, offering support and visibility to help them attain leadership positions. In addition to her professional achievements, Caitlin made the courageous decision to become a solo parent around the time she joined Solugen. Recognizing her biological clock was ticking, she used a sperm donor to fulfill her dream of parenthood. Caitlin leaned on her network of friends and family and emphasized the importance of maintaining a support system while balancing family and career.

Caitlin's advice to the WIC community is to remember that self-worth extends beyond one's career achievements. It is essential to make time for other aspects of life, such as family and hobbies. She also recommends maintaining a good support system and focusing on personal well-being. Additionally, Caitlin suggests the book "Brave, Not Perfect" as a valuable resource for challenging societal expectations.


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Dr. Ferleshare Starks


Heather Hall