Claire O’Leary


Porth Media Ltd.

Claire is a remarkable London-based individual who embarked on an unconventional career journey, transforming her path from education to leadership in media and publishing. This is a story of determination, courage, and a commitment to balance work and family life, and it is a story that resonates with many working mothers striving for professional growth while raising a family. Claire spent seven years in the media and publishing industry, an unexpected transition from her initial foray into education. Seeking a better work-life balance, she explored ways to apply her skills in the media world. The "a-ha" moment came when she and her husband realized the toll their busy lives were taking on their family. This realization prompted a gradual shift in their priorities, leading her to embark on a journey of volunteering and skill diversification. Her leadership role in a charity marked a turning point, cementing her path toward a career in leadership.

Claire was raised with strong core values of integrity, self-belief, and hard work, and her family instilled the drive to continually push herself forward. Their unwavering support enabled her to chase her aspirations and become a lifelong learner. She remains deeply proud of her personal and career achievements, notably her time in education and her courageous career jump into publishing. Her fearlessness stems from a simple but profound philosophy: "Just because a decision is hard or painful, doesn't make it wrong." She believes that if you deeply care about a decision, it's likely the right one. She emphasizes the importance of a supportive partnership at home, sharing responsibilities to maintain a fair workload and fostering equality both at home and in her career.

To enable women to excel in the workplace, Claire advocates for equality in all aspects of life. Recognizing excellence, celebrating outcomes, and creating supportive workplaces are essential. Furthermore, women can support one another by practicing kindness, giving the benefit of the doubt, and offering opportunities for growth. Claire’s motto, "No bad days," embodies the right attitude and determination to seize life's opportunities, much like riding the waves of the sea. She encourages others to embrace this approach and meet challenges head-on with unwavering commitment.

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