Jennifer Jewson

Director of North American Feedstocks


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It is a pleasure to introduce you all to Jen Jewson. With 25 years in the chemicals industry, Jen’s educational background includes an MBA in finance and also holds a PhD in Chemistry. Jen spent 7 years in R&D before switching to Commercial, where she now sits as Director of North American Feedstocks at LyondellBasell.

We learned from Jen how her R&D background helped her to succeed in pivoting to her commercial facing roles today. She emphasized that she recognized while in R&D the value that comes from learning from your failures and your mistakes.

“Speak up, be patient, and persevere.”

We talked about the volatile & uncertain environment this last year has brought us and how important it is to recognize that we don’t need to do all things alone. While Jen is a leader in the industry, she is also a Mom, a Wife, a friend, and many others; she explained to us how she manages through these roles each day. Jen is the people leader we all want on our team and in our networks.


Silke Fuchs


Brit Woodruff