Silke Fuchs

Sales Mgr.

Wegochem Europe

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It is a pleasure to introduce you all to Silke, our first ever European Women in Chemicals community member. Thank you Silke, for your efforts in expanding our community reach across the globe not only by your participation but also through inviting members in you network to Women in Chemicals. Silke has 13 years of experience in the industry, and now works in partnership with our very own Amelia Greene as a Sales Manager for Wegochem. Currently located in Germany, Silke started her career in foreign trade at a chemical distributor based in Hamburg, Germany.

During our interview, Silke talked to us about the industry dynamics and demographics in Europe. She shared with us her sentiment on making an impact in the industry, stating that we as women can find our way in to the industry just as well as a man might, but we may approach this with less “healthy confidence” that is a common perception of males in the industry. We also talked about the insecurities that women may carry along with them in their careers and how they may impact their successes. We wrapped up by talking about how we can continue to further support each other by breaking these barriers together.


This week’s episode is sponsored by:


Christine Morris


Jennifer Jewson